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    Referrer & Support Mint LIVE

    The PixelBobs NFT is a fun PFP to bring awarness to Build On Bitcoin. It is a vibrant 8 bit collection, inspired by iconic Bobs and set against the backdrop of a vast, spice-rich fictional universe. This series, with a limited supply of 0xb0b (2827), combines elements of pop culture and science fiction, offering a pixelated tribute to beloved Bobs

    Want to mint DTC? Click here

    PixelBob Stats

    150+ Contributors

    Total amount of users that contributed to bob using the PixelBob referral code

    Live Data Coming Soon!

    +160,000$ Amount Contributed

    Total amount of network TVL contrubitions via the PixelBob referral code

    Live Data Coming Soon!

    +670,000 Spice earned

    Estimated amount of SPICE rewards earned via the PixelBob referral code

    Live Data Coming Soon!



    PixelBobs is a vibrant 8-bit collection, inspired by iconic Bobs and set against the backdrop of a vast, spice-rich fictional universe. This series, with a limited supply of 0xb0b, combines elements of pop culture and science fiction, offering a pixelated tribute to the beloved Bobs and an intricately imagined world. The project aims to enhance the visibility of the BOB ecosystem and provide early adopters with a unique, thematic experience tailored to the BOB community.


    Spice earned via the PixelBob referral code will be escrowed in the SpiceHarvester contract. PixelBob holders (that used our code to deposit TVL) have the ability to redeem a proportionate amount of Spice, calculated per NFT(s) minted, ensuring a fair distribution of rewards based on participation.

    VISION 👀

    The team aims to establish a PixelBob endowment, inviting both PixelBob holders and non-holders to contribute Spice. This endowment will concentrate on adding value to the BOB network and the PixelBob ecosystem. Details are still being finalized, but we're open to discussions and suggestions.


    If you're a builder on BOB, we're eager to connect with you. We encourage our community to highlight BOB builders on our Twitter and give credit where it's due. Shoot us a message @PixelBobs on Twitter / Farcaster!


    The builders will receive 50 PixelBobs, the endowment received 200 PixelBobs, while those using the PixelBobs referrer code obtained 2 Bobs. The Referrer/Supporter mint will be open and guaranteed for 24 hours, followed by the Early/Top Contributors mint, which will open 24 to 48 hours after the referrer mint starts. This entire process is 100% free. Additionally, there's the DTC mint at [insert address here]. The size of the collection is represented as '0xBOB' with decimals equating to 2827

    WHAT IS $SPICE? 🌶️

    "Spice" is the native ("Point") system of the BOB network, primarily earned by contributing to the network's Total Value Locked (TVL). It's designed to incentivize participation through a referral bonus system, rewarding users for expanding the network's reach.



    ©2024 PIXELBOBS